Friday 25 March 2011

Bodiam Castle Pre Production Continued ......

The view from the Northwest tower was terrific! So many endless posibiltites and ideas filled my head. I felt fairly secure up among the roof tops, as there was a large sturdy looking concrete wall surrounding me, a positive aspect, but then something struck me that was so very obvious that I stupidly had not even thought about, until now. The moat! We would have to make sure that all members of the team are able swimmers and that there are more rubber rings provided. Electrical equiptment would need to be kept as far away from areas of water as possible, and perhaps protective material would be needed to cover particular items.
There is very low lighting in some of the more interesting areas, so I would have to consider where all the electricity points are and what kind of lights would be the safest to use.
Along my travels around bodiam I came across a dimly lit room with a sign stating that bat's are living in certain areas of the castle. This may cause some minor problems, whilst filming at night time. All members of the team would need to be made aware of these flying friends, so as not to cause alarm.
Another thing that bothered me, is that the toilets are located quite far away from the castle ground. We might have to consider providing portable toilets onsite. I think it is ignorant to assume that everybody is healthy , and some may find the bathroom distance distressing if they have a medical condition/problematic bowels or bladder. I feel that it is essential to provide nearby toilets and a cafe or food stall for the comfort of the staff. They will not perform to a high standard if they are left feeling neglected.
With electrical equiptment, it will be important to have all cables tapped down and visable to the eye, always running parallel to the paths, or cables completly covered, to prevent trips and nasty falls.

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